81% of small businesses rely on email as their primary customer acquisition channel.

To run efficient and successful email marketing campaigns for your business, it’s crucial to have a well-structured email team.

Each member of an email marketing team plays a unique role, contributing to the overall success of the campaign. 

In this post, we’ll delve into the components of a complete email marketing team and the roles and responsibilities of each member.

1. Technical Expert

The technical expert is the backbone of email marketing operations, focusing on the technical setup and management of data technology.

This role involves:

  • List Hygiene Process: Implementing processes via API to maintain a clean and effective mailing list, which is crucial for the success of any email marketing campaign.
  • Global Suppression List Management: Ensuring that uninterested or unengaged contacts are properly managed to maintain email sender reputation.
  • Engagement Data Integrity: Tackling challenges like bot opens/clicks to ensure the accuracy of engagement metrics.

2. Deployment Specialist

The deployment specialist handles the day-to-day management of email marketing campaigns.

Their responsibilities include:

  • Pre-send Tasks: Organizing and managing daily operations for sending emails. This involves scheduling, segmenting the audience, and finalizing email content.
  • Post-send Analysis: Working closely with the analytics team to review campaign performance and learning from reports to understand what works and what doesn’t.
  • Audience Management: Collaborating with the technical team to make adjustments to targeting and exclusions based on data findings.

3. Analytics Expert

The Data Analyst monitors and analyzes the performance of the email campaigns. They use email metrics like open rates, click-through rates, and conversion rates to measure success and identify areas for improvement.

They interprets email campaign data to provide insights on performance. They also conduct A/B testing and make recommendations for improvement based on the results.

An analytics expert focuses on the post-send phase, analyzing campaign performance to enhance future strategies.

Key responsibilities are:

  • Performance Monitoring: Creating reports and keeping track of key metrics like open rates, click-through rates, and conversion rates.
  • Deliverability Checks: Ensuring emails are reaching the intended inboxes and not being flagged as spam.

4. Creative (Designer & Content)

The creative aspect of email marketing is handled by both the content person and the designer who ensures the emails are visually appealing and functional.

The Content Creator is responsible for crafting engaging and compelling content for the emails. This includes writing subject lines, preview texts, body copy, and calls-to-actions. They also ensure that the content aligns with the brand voice and meets the set marketing goals.

The Designer is in charge of the visual aspects of the emails. They create layouts, graphics, and other visual elements that align with the brand and enhance the message.

The Designer creates visually appealing email designs that enhance the content and engage the audience. They work closely with the Content Creator to ensure that the visuals complement the text. They are also responsible for optimizing images for different devices and email clients.

They are responsible for:

  • Email Copy and CTAs: Content direction and writing email copy based on the email marketing goals.
  • Email Design and HTML Coding: Crafting email templates with a focus on aesthetics and brand consistency.
  • Best Practices for Email Coding: Ensuring emails are coded to standards that guarantee inbox placement and proper rendering across various clients and devices.

5. The Manager (or Strategist)

The Strategist is responsible for developing and overseeing the overall email marketing strategy.

They are responsible for setting goals, planning campaigns, and ensuring that all activities align with the company’s overall marketing strategy. They also monitor and analyze campaign results to improve future initiatives.

The Manager plays a pivotal role in aligning and overseeing the entire email marketing team.

Their role involves:

  • Resource Management: Ensuring all team members have the resources they need to perform their roles effectively.
  • Goal Alignment: Making sure that all activities of the email program are in line with the broader marketing goals of the organization.

What is the impact of a well-assembled email marketing team on overall business success?

A well-assembled email marketing team can significantly impact overall business success by driving customer engagement.

With a team of skilled professionals, businesses can create compelling email content that resonates with their target audience, fostering stronger relationships and improving customer retention rates.

This means delivering the right message to the right person at the right time, which can significantly boost conversion rates.

By understanding the needs and behaviors of different customer segments, the team can tailor emails to meet these specific needs, leading to higher engagement and conversion.

Furthermore, a proficient email marketing team can analyze and interpret data to optimize future campaigns.

By tracking key metrics such as open rates, click-through rates, and conversion rates, the team can gain insights into what works and what doesn’t. This allows for continuous improvement and adaptation, which is crucial in a rapidly changing digital landscape.

An efficient email marketing team can also help a business to automate its email marketing efforts. Automation not only saves time and resources but also ensures consistency and timeliness in email communication. This can lead to improved customer experience and increased brand loyalty.

Lastly, a well-assembled email marketing team can help a business stay compliant with email marketing laws and regulations. Non-compliance can lead to hefty fines and damage to the company’s reputation. Therefore, having a team that understands and adheres to these laws is essential for long-term success.

RoleResponsibilityImpact on Business
Technical ExpertHandles email integration and automationStreamlines marketing operations
Deployment SpecialistManages the despatch of emailsEnsures the timely delivery of marketing emails
Analytics ExpertAnalyses and interprets data from email campaignsHelps optimize future campaigns and strategies
Creative (Designer & Content)Creates appealing email designs and engaging contentBoosts appeal and improves the success of email campaigns
The Manager (or Strategist)Oversees the team and plans email marketing strategiesGuides the team, ensuring the alignment with business goals

How to measure the success of an email marketing team?

Success, as we know, isn’t an accident, but rather a result of consistent efforts, effective strategy, and continuous tracking of key performance indicators (KPIs).

Performance should be quantifiable, and the same applies to your email marketing team. But how do you gauge their effectiveness?

It’s all about paying attention to the right metrics.

Here are some key parameters you should be examining: 

Open Rate

An essential first step in measuring an email marketing team’s success is the open rate. It provides the percentage of your total recipients who opened your email. A high open rate shows that the subject line effectively sparks the recipients’ interest, and your emails are reaching the right audience. Consistently low open rates may indicate an issue with delivery, spam filters, or engagement. 

Click-Through Rate (CTR)

CTR is the number of users who click on a specific link out of the total users who view a page, email, or advertisement. It helps determine how well your email inspires action. Emails with a high CTR are offering relevant content that excites the reader’s interest. A low CTR shows opportunities for improvement in your call to action, design, or overall content. 

Conversion Rate

While getting people to open an email and click a link is significant, the ultimate goal is the conversion rate – the number of recipients who clicked on a link within an email and completed a desired action, such as filled a form, made a purchase, etc. Low conversion rates might suggest a disconnect between the email content, the click-through, and what the user is offered next. 

Bounce Rate

Another essential KPI is the bounce rate, which tracks the percentage of your total emails sent that could not be delivered to the recipient’s inbox. There are two types of bounces to consider: soft bounces (temporary delivery issue) and hard bounces (email address doesn’t exist). A high bounce rate often indicates poor quality contact data. 

Email ROI (or Revenue)

Arguably the most significant performance metric to track, the return on investment (ROI) is the final factor that reveals the financial effectiveness of an email marketing campaign. Compare the revenue generated from a campaign to its total cost. This will help understand if the investment in your email marketing team is paying off. 

In summary, every email you send is an opportunity to learn more about your audience and refine your approach. Monitoring these parameters will allow you to assess your email marketing team’s success accurately and continuously strive for improvement. Remember, there’s always room to grow, learn, and adapt in the digital marketing space.

What are the budget considerations when building an email marketing team?

You might be wondering, “What budget do I need for my email marketing team?

RoleEstimated Annual Salary
Technical Expert$80,000 – $100,000
Deployment Specialist$60,000 – $80,000
Analytics Expert$85,000 – $105,000
Creative (Designer & Content)$65,000 – $85,000
The Manager (or Strategist)$95,000 – $125,000

Final Thoughts

A complete email marketing team comprises diverse talents and skills, each focusing on a specific aspect of the campaign.

From the technical handling of data and deployment to the creative design and overall management, every role is crucial for the success of an email campaign.

By understanding and appreciating the distinct responsibilities of each team member, businesses can craft more effective and successful email marketing strategies.