New Google (and Yahoo) Bulk Email Sender Guidelines

Google and Yahoo are shaking things up in the email deliverability world! What used to be just best practices for ensuring your emails are legitimate is now becoming a must-do. If you’re not on board with their new rules by 2024, you might start having trouble getting your emails delivered. Let’s dive into the recent […]

Email Deliverability: Beyond Open & Click Rates

Ever thought you’d mastered the email game? Incredible open rates and click rates are certainly a reason to celebrate. But if you’re stopping your analysis there, you might be missing a massive piece of the puzzle: inbox placement (and, more specifically, inbox placement by domain). Most email programs suffer from email deliverability issues, but many […]

Long-Term vs. Short-Term Thinking In Email Marketing

When something goes wrong with your email marketing efforts, it’s easy to get overwhelmed.  Maybe deliverability or engagement plummets, maybe sales stall, or maybe you get a particularly critical piece of feedback from a subscriber.  Your mind spins.  We’re marketers. But we’re also human.  And when the overwhelm sets in, you might also get the […]

iOS 15 Impact on Email Performance and Tracking (with Recommendations)

iOS 15 and its feature, Mail Privacy Protection, are expected to have quite a large impact on email open rate reporting.  The intent of this article is to explain the expected impact of the Apple iOS15 release as well as possible remedies. The iOS 15 version is expected to be released in the fall of […]

Apple iOS 15: Will It Destroy the Open Rate? (and User Experience)

iOS 15 was announced at Apple’s Worldwide Developers Conference on June 7th during the keynote as the upcoming software iteration for iPhones. It’s expected to release around September 2021. The update includes improvements to FaceTime, a new feature called Shareplay, a productivity-booster called Focus, and many other noteworthy changes.  Within the remainder of that list […]